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Also, you may want to consider purchasing a copy of our wonderful book, "Pool & Billiard Collectibles", a price guide for antique billiard collectibles and accessories. It features hundreds of rare items from our30 years of collecting and experience in this field. More than 1,000 items priced in around 800 full color images! Email or call now to purchase your copy of the first book ever written on the subject. Here's just a sample of some of the types of hard to find billiard collectibles you will find in this unique work. Available for $76.00, incl.US media mail postage, for a personally autographed, and "personalized" if you like, copy.

...OUR book on antique billiard collectibles NOW AVAILABLE... Just click on the photo samples below to learn how to order your copy today...

...Cue Racks Available...
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...Ball Racks Available...

...Miscellaneous Available...

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